Saturday, June 01, 2013

Bok bok bok bok Ba-GOCK! Have you seen our full grown black and white chicken roaming the nursery? Her name is Ash. Ash likes following Juan and Enrique when they are cleaning up and moving plants because there are usually treats, worms, earwigs, and crickets under the pots. She gobbles them up along with snails and centipedes. Her favorite employee seems to be China because she is the one to let her out of her coop each morning and fills her feeding spots with grain. Ash lays beautiful brown eggs, and in the warmer weather we average one egg a day. 

This month Fausto decided that more the merrier when it comes to chickens, since they are social creatures. Thus he brought in a brood which arrived in the mail peeping very loudly on their first day and each day since. They are quickly outgrowing their temporary housing but love to cuddle under the heat lamp between meals and play time. We are planning on keeping a few to grow up here while the others are ready for you to purchase and take to your own garden.

We have two types, Top Hat Special (photos from the internet)

 which have little puffs of fluff on their noggins and range from blonde to russet to charcoal gray. They grow up to sport stylish hair do's.

 Also in the mix are New Jersey Giants, they grow up to be big docile black chickens that are excellent egg layers.
Do you think we will ever see Fausto walking his around Mission Hills like this guy?

If your curiosity is piqued, check out the City of San Diego's page on keeping chickens in residential areas. The page can answer some Frequently Asked Questions as well as elaborate on the city requirements for chickens. Be sure to check your own city's or county's requirements before purchasing your new family members.

Stop in and hang with our "peeps", we hope to have them in their new coop next week as they are growing bigger and funnier each day.

blog written by: Casey

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