Mark your calender for the Spring Home Garden Show which opens Friday March 3rd and goes through Sunday March 5th. Our display garden this year will feature 3 decks made of different materials, and beautifully planted containers. We want you to see what you can do without a yard. With all the growth of downtown San Diego, container gardening can be fun.
If you've been in the nursery lately you've surely seen the pots filled with plants which have brightly colored stems, this is Swiss Chard, Brite Lights.
We have this plant in stock along with seeds to start your own, or we can mail you seeds for this striking plant. Weekly our inventory is growing as we head into Spring. I'm seeing very nice selections of Heucheras (pictured above) and Ornamental Grasses (Carex Testacea pictured).
Our houseplant department has been revamped and you will find some very unusual ferns, like the Caterpillar Fern which is pictured above. The stems look like little caterpillars. You also will find Tiger Fern, Rabbit Foot Fern, Maidenhair Fern, and a most unusual Suzi Wong. Suzi Wong is one of Nicole's favorite ferns, and she is doing a wonderful job bringing in a great selection of ferns for you. To view some of the other ferns available click over to one of our suppliers Ades & Gish Nurseries
As I write this we are hearing that rain is on the way so you may want to check your sprinkler systems, turn them off if we get the rains, but remember to turn them back on once the rains are over. New tomato plants will want to be protected if the rains are hard and cold. Established trees, lawns, and shrubs will benefit from Mother Nature's watering, but watch for areas of puddling if your yard doesn't drain correctly and be sure your potted plants aren't setting in trays with collected water for extended periods.
If you've been thinking of rejuvenating your soil now is the time John & Bob's applied with the rains gives you 2 kick starts for the price of one. John & Bob's plus natural rain water = very happy soil.
See you soon in the nurseries "Life's a Garden, Dig It!"