Sunday, September 20, 2009


Our first load of Pumpkins was delivered on Thursday, from small to x-large. Pick your favorites for carving and extra ones to decorate with.

I think the Fairytale variety make beautiful fall displays for your porch or entry way.

Just keep your pumpkins dry and they should last you through Thanksgiving.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fall Vegetables

I know it still feels like summer yet we are coming upon the time to begin planting our fall vegetable gardens. And how spoiled are we in San Diego to be able to plant tomatoes which will produce during the winter months?

We have begun receiving our winter varieties along with lettuces and kales. Over the next couple of weeks our vegetable area will grow with choices.

Do you know how to prepare your beds for fall/winter vegetables? Or when to harvest your rewards? If not sure or if you want to maybe learn more then join us on Saturday September 26th from 4:00 - 6:00 for a wine tasting and vegetable seminar. The actual talk on vegetable gardening will begin around 4:45. Cost is just $5.00 per person, sign up at the nursery.

Friday, September 04, 2009


Birds enjoy eating their meals (insects), in your garden along with napping in your trees. Yet not many of us provide them with a place to bath. Yet it can be something quite simple as a terra cotta saucer
to elaborate stone or glazed birdbaths. Just remember not too deep, and they need a ledge to perch on. Keep it clean and your garden birds will sing in their showers.

Visit us at Mission Hills Nursery and we can fill your bird's bathing requests.