Thursday, December 30, 2010

Not an End It's a Beginning

As we prepare to turn the calendar some see it as the end of a year, while others see it as a new beginning. I think this year I will be one who sees it as a new beginning. Just as in a garden when you put in a new seed or seedling, you will watch life unfold and begin. Nurture your garden and you will nurture your soul. When we allow ourselves to be at peace we are able to achieve so much more than when we worry.

A gift you can give yourself every day in 2011 is to walk thru the nursery smelling and touching the flowers, petting Reina and Socks, listening to the birds sing and you will leave a bit more peaceful.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Gardening Gifts

The upper lot is filled with fresh cut Christmas trees from Washington & Oregon. The interior plant area is brightly colored with red poinsettias, white hydrangeas and Christmas cactus. Then step inside the building and view the newest piece of furniture which holds an array of gifts for the gardeners on your list.

Mark what you have planted with a vintage silverware garden marker
Keep their hands clean and soft with lotions made for gardeners.