For our April Urban Farmstyle Seminar we are changing it up a bit. The title of a book caught my attention when the author; Cara Wilson-Granat came into the nursery and asked if we would be interested in having her speak. How could I say no to this title.....
It Takes A Lot of Sh*t To Make A Garden Grow
If you or you know someone who could use a little kick start on shoveling all the sh*t out of their life, you won't want to miss this seminar.
What other good things come out of your garden after you've worked hard shoveling

Liz is one of our neighbors and when I read her postings and see her photos I want to run over and taste her goodies.
What we hope to share with you at this Urban Farmstyle Seminar is there are many good things to come out of gardening. Sure you might have sore muscles, but when you sit back and see how fresh your newly toiled soil looks and smell the earthy delights you know it was worth it. Then when your spring flowers begin blooming and you harvest your first crop of the year, all senses kick in and you feel alive.
Come join us in getting rid of life's unnecessary worries and enjoy a taste of spring. Sunday April 15th 11:30 - 1:30, seating is limited, tickets may be purchased at the nursery $5.00. Sign up via our facebook but payment is due prior to event to guarantee your seat.