Monday, November 18, 2013

We are Thankful

As we count down the days to Thanksgiving we want to stop and give Thanks to everyone who works with us.

Juan keeps the nursery clean and watered. Enrique changes the display areas, carries out those heavy bags and trees and now rings up sales transactions on the register. China who is the queen of the bedding area, designing container gardens with love and speaking of love has a following with Socks the cat and our two hens. She keeps the vegetable area filled with seasonal varieties.

Unless you have our crew maintaining your home or business garden you may never have met Ulysses and Henry. They are on the truck keeping yards neat and tidy, from small yards to downtown high-rise complex and everything in between.

If you have gotten a delivery you most likely have met Richard B, he is our trusted driver who will be working more hours as we go into the Christmas tree delivery season.

On the inside you find knowledge on trees, shrubs, fertilizers and more by chatting with Richard L who is also on our holiday decorating crew. He loves to shop and display his special finds.
A growing area for the nursery is maintained by Casey, not sure the difference between a cactus and a succulent? Just ask. Casey also has a broad knowledge of herbs and their uses, she does grow some of the unusual herbs and vegetables in her own home garden.
Our newest member is Emily who you will find at the cash register or off doing any other task we assign her.

Then of course there are our growers and vendors to Thank. We have seen our industry go through many changes with some of the big growers either going out of business or downsizing their operations. Plants come and go and we try to stay up on the latest trends that we feel you will appreciate. Our lines of fertilizer and insecticides have moved to almost 100% organic along with our soils, both for in the ground amendments and container gardens.

Last but not least we want to Thank You our customers. Many of you have been with us from the day we took over almost 25 years ago, you have seen the nursery full and at times almost empty as the economy rose and fell. You have seen Tiger run around and jump from the pallets of soil to begin taking over the daily operation and growing it with his own passion.

Each night as the computers are shut down and the gates locked we say Thank You for allowing us to open again another day.

When we sit down to Thanksgiving dinner we will be thinking of all we have accomplished in 2013 and acknowledging what we have planned for 2014.

Fausto, Toni, and Tiger along with our families wish you and yours a Bountiful Thanksgiving.