Monday, January 16, 2006

Design Consultations

Not sure what to do with your garden? Do you just need a few "ideas" or everything from soil amendments to plants, irrigation, decks, and walls. We can work with you to design and install your garden, turning your yard into your "paradise"

What you don't have a yard to dig in? Not a problem we also do wonderful container gardens, from flowers for full sun, to shade gardens, vegetables and herbs, fruit trees you can have it all.

For a consultation please email our design team or call 619-295-2808.

Spring Flowers

With the sunny weather we are having in San Diego our nurseries are filling up quickly with wonderful plants and color for your gardens and containers. Coming in this week are Wax Flower "Chamelacium" in a variety of colors. And what better way to say I Love You this Valentine's Day than with a Rose Garden or a blooming Clerodendron (pictured above). With just a few clicks of your mouse you can order your Valentine fresh cut flowers from the grower.

Come in soon to see the changes at both nurseries, new tables for more color, pottery in a wide selection of colors, shapes, and sizes. Bamboo fencing, indoor blooming Azaleas are gorgeous at Mission Hills. Stone fruit trees at both Moose Creek Nursery and Mission Hills Nursery are waiting to be planted in your garden along with Wisterias, Weeping Mulberries, and the stunning beauty Flowering Cherry. If you've seen it in the past in full glory you know you want to get it early as they sell out quickly.

Monday, January 02, 2006

January in the Garden

If you aren't able to get out in your garden this month and enjoy the birds, bring them inside with you. We have Breezy Singers in stock and ready to ship, they will live in all climates.

For those who are lucky enough to be out in your gardens this month here are some areas to be sure and work. Prevent snails by cleaning debris and fallen leaves, don't give them places to hide. Clean and sharpen your tools, bring them into either nursery on Monday and you will usually be able to pick them back up by Friday. Internet Special bring in 4 tools and pay for 3 to be sharpened, must bring this page when tools are brought in, valid during the month of January 2006. Maybe now is the time to buy new ones before you begin to Prune deciduous fruit trees, along with grapes and berries. Plant deciduous fruit trees. Get them in the ground now so they may benefit from the winter rains. Plant in a sunny location in a hole twice as wide as the container it is in but no deeper. Water deeply and twice a week if we don't get rain, or more often if we get hot weather. Dormant Spray your stone fruit trees this month to help prevent insects next spring. Have you always wanted a Rose Garden? In stock we have the Garden Compass Essential Guide to Rose Care, stop by Mission Hills Nursery and watch it then pick one up for yourself.

Moss Baskets

Kristi Palafox will be giving a Moss Basket class for the Master Gardeners of San Diego, sign up before February 28, 2006 on their website.
Learn how to turn different items into containers with the addition of moss, soil, and flowers.