Friday, January 25, 2008

Rain and your Garden

What does all this rain mean to your garden? For the most part the plants are loving it as long as you have the proper drainage. The National Gardening Association has some good advice which we can all follow no matter where you garden. You may want to protect your azaleas and camellias which are budding up and blooming from the heavy rain, the flowers will get beat up.
If you haven't already be sure your automatic sprinklers are not coming on. Check any low lying areas for puddles and remove the water which may be drowning your plants.

What else does this mean to your garden? Snails will be coming out so get down the snail bait, we recommend Sluggo if you have pets or children. A new product due to arrive next week into our nurseries is an electronic snail fence, it won't hurt little people fingers just slugs and snails. Brought to you by the same company that makes the Scarecrow and CatStop ask for SlugsAway.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Charger Support

San Diego Chargers will be playing a big game tomorrow -
Mission Hills Nursery has what you need to decorate for your game day party. Colorbowls and pots filled with Charger colors you can sit at your front door as your guests come in to Cheer on the Chargers.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

2008 Roses Arriving Daily

The nurseries are once again looking like garden centers, flowers

are on the tables and roses are being lined up alphabetically

as I write this. Those of you that have prebooked we will begin shipping your orders next week, if you are in San Diego we will call you so you can pick your order up. It's not too late though to come in and get your favorite.
Remember we have the exclusivity on the new Louise Hay Rose for this year. Be the first in your garden club to have this beautiful apricot hybrid tea.
Also when getting your new roses be sure to get the right planting mix, ask us about EB Stone's compost, we use it in all of our landscape jobs.
Next week you will see pots of tall sticks, these are our fruit trees which come in dormant, just waiting for you to take them home and plant in your garden. Apples, figs, plums, and others.