Thursday, July 09, 2009

4th of July Celebration

What an amazing community we work in, and the spirit really shined thru this last 4th of July. A parade of the neighborhood showed as many people got together to walk, ride, skate, and push their way along the streets, starting at Pioneer Park.

Well we all didn't walk the route we did send a representative from the Nursery. Claudia pushed our "float" and we are proud to say it was the first float entry, watch for more next year.
After the parade there were many fun activities back at the park, from hula hoop contests, to balloon toss, and cake for everyone.

At the nursery Enrique fired up the BBQ and Fernando was our Hot Dog chef. He cooked up hot dogs from Sausage King and everyone really enjoyed them, if you haven't tried them before you need to. They have just the right about of spices, and crispy outside so they crunch when you bite.

Thank you to everyone who helped put this event on, we look forward to the next couple of weeks of concerts in the park, Friday nights. Bring your blankets, chairs, food and friends.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Zinfandel Tasting

This Tuesday July 7th we will be tasting Zinfandels, red and white. Did you know the same grape is used to make both? The difference being the skin is removed from the grape when making the white variety, thus you get a lighter and sweeter wine.
What connection is this week's tasting to the nursery? Grapes of course are on sale, you may not make your own wine but you can turn a portion of your garden into a mini vineyard or Tuscan village.

See you in the garden 3:00 - 5:00 for Tuesday's Tasting