Just My Thoughts
The Christmas Tree begins with a propagator somewhere in Northern United States. We have seed sourcers that look for the best possible traits in fir trees. These folks harvest and germinate the seed that will eventually become a Christmas Tree. The little starts are grown to a height of 4" to 6" in growing trays here in the U.S. before being sold to Christmas Tree farmers who plant them on private farms. Some of these farms are small family owned with just a few acres while others are larger producers with hundreds of acres. The farmer employees people to plant them and grow them until they are ready to harvest, which typically takes 7 to 8 years, at an average height of 7' - 8'. During the growing period not only are the hired employees caring for these trees but fertilizer and pesticide companies have employees working to keep the Christmas Tree healthy and on track to reach their optimum height. As the Christmas Tree reaches the age of harvest employees go into the fields to grade and select. Christmas Trees need to be ready for cutting every November, so more employees are hired. Some of the Christmas Trees are grown at higher elevations and helicopters are hired to haul them out of areas not easily accessible with tractors. In the processing areas more employees have been hired to tag, wrap, organize and load the Christmas Trees. Truckers are hired to take the trees around the country, giving an economic boost to the trucking industry. Many of these trucks then load up with another commodity to return to their original state, making it more profitable for them.
Merry Christmas,
One way to improve our economic situation is with a small jester...the Christmas Tree.
The good ol' American Fresh Cut Christmas Tree, it is a simple product, a renewable resource that keeps people working and earning a living all year long. In good times and tough times; let me explain.

Once the Christmas Tree reaches its destination, whether it be a small individual business that sets up in a neighborhood, a local garden center such as ours or a non-profit group there are again more people employed.
Now compare a synthetic tree which is made in another country, there is no economic benefit to our country. No U.S. employees are hired, no U.S. product is used and the carbon footprint to get that synthetic tree here is not environmentally positive.
Freshly Cut Christmas Trees are typically recycled after the holidays and used as mulch, it goes back into our gardens and public areas along with employing another branch of workers. The freshly cut Christmas Tree provides many workers with a means to help themselves and their families while bringing smiles of joy to households all over this country.
In my opinion this is one small way we can help improve the U.S. economy.
Merry Christmas,