Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why a Fresh Cut Christmas Tree?

Just My Thoughts
One way to improve our economic situation is with a small jester...the Christmas Tree.

The good ol' American Fresh Cut Christmas Tree, it is a simple product, a renewable resource that keeps people working and earning a living all year long. In good times and tough times; let me explain.

The Christmas Tree begins with a propagator somewhere in Northern United States. We have seed sourcers that look for the best possible traits in fir trees. These folks harvest and germinate the seed that will eventually become a Christmas Tree. The little starts are grown to a height of 4" to 6" in growing trays here in the U.S. before being sold to Christmas Tree farmers who plant them on private farms. Some of these farms are small family owned with just a few acres while others are larger producers with hundreds of acres. The farmer employees people to plant them and grow them until they are ready to harvest, which typically takes 7 to 8 years, at an average height of 7' - 8'.  During the growing period not only are the hired employees caring for these trees but fertilizer and pesticide companies have employees working to keep the Christmas Tree healthy and on track to reach their optimum height. As the Christmas Tree reaches the age of harvest employees go into the fields to grade and select. Christmas Trees need to be ready for cutting every November, so more employees are hired. Some of the Christmas Trees are grown at higher elevations and helicopters are hired to haul them out of areas not easily accessible with tractors. In the processing areas more employees have been hired to tag, wrap, organize and load the Christmas Trees. Truckers are hired to take the trees around the country, giving an economic boost to the trucking industry. Many of these trucks then load up with another commodity to return to their original state, making it more profitable for them.

Once the Christmas Tree reaches its destination, whether it be a small individual business that sets up in a neighborhood, a local garden center such as ours or a non-profit group there are again more people employed.

Now compare a synthetic tree which is made in another country, there is no economic benefit to our country. No U.S. employees are hired, no U.S. product is used and the carbon footprint to get that synthetic tree here is not environmentally positive.

Freshly Cut Christmas Trees are typically recycled after the holidays and used as mulch, it goes back into our gardens and public areas along with employing another branch of workers. The freshly cut Christmas Tree provides many workers with a means to help themselves and their families while bringing smiles of joy to households all over this country.

In my opinion this is one small way we can help improve the U.S. economy.

Merry Christmas,

Friday, November 16, 2012

FREE trees

Saturday November 17th -
Tiger is giving away FREE trees. Bring your truck and your friends to help you load.
This offer is valid for one day and you need to load and take the tree(s) with you.
There is no holding and it is first come first to take home. NO RETURNS all sales are FINAL

Some trees may not look their prettiest, but once you get them into the ground they will settle their roots and by next spring you won't believe they were FREE.

Also marked down are all roses in stock 50% off, stone fruit trees 50% off, large fountains 60% off.

Just remember you need to bring your own truck and muscles to load them up.

Monday, October 29, 2012

New at Mission Hills Nursery

We are still waiting here in San Diego for the fall weather to stay around and our gardens need care.
Watering can be tricky, some days we need to water more than once, especially when the winds are blowing. Other days we have gotten rain and hopefully your irrigation system wasn't running at the same time.

The nursery is filling up and cutting back. We are bringing in fall/winter vegetables but cutting back on pottery selections as we begin the annual move of condensing the two side of the nursery into one. We did receive an order of orange pottery, perfect for your Halloween and Thanksgiving decors.

I do love the fall bedding plant selections.

Annual mums will add color to your containers along with pansies and various ornamental kales. Remember to add height and textures to your containers, snap dragons, stock, and grasses bring all those elements together. If you aren't sure what works come visit China and she can help you. If you want we can schedule to pick up your pots, bring them into the nursery so you and China can work together on them, or just let China know your color preferences and she will do her magic.

We have the sidewalk planter filled with pink annuals and perennials in support of the 3 Day Walkers who come by next month on the 18th. Come over and join us as we cheer them on, remember to wear your pink.
For those who enjoy giving paperwhite baskets as gifts during the holiday season, remember it takes approximately 5 weeks for them to be blooming. Count back and begin planting yours up now for Thanksgiving. This year our paperwhite bulbs are a pretty large size, we were not able to get amaryllis bulbs but we will have the plants come in starting next month. We will plant up gift baskets with the bulbs for gift giving. Another fun area which we are restocking after years of not having, flags. You can see the Halloween flags flying in front of the nursery this week, switching over to Fall Harvest and Christmas. This is an inexpensive way to decorate your home for the seasons or no other reason than it is easy and fun.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Tiger's Tips for June

May gray is gone and June gloom is hanging around the coastal communities. If you are having issues with your tomatoes it most likely is due to the weather. Remember tomatoes like consistency. Consistent soil temperature and moisture. Feed regularly as they are trying to produce food to feed you and your family. If you haven't already heard or seen our grafted tomatoes you still have time to come in and get a few for your garden. Right now they are also on sale, buy 2 get 3rd one for just 1cent. Offer good while supplies last.

for the rest of the Tiger Tips stop in the nursery

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Urban Farmstyle Seminar

For our April Urban Farmstyle Seminar we are changing it up a bit. The title of a book caught my attention when the author; Cara Wilson-Granat came into the nursery and asked if we would be interested in having her speak. How could I say no to this title.....
It Takes A Lot of Sh*t To Make A Garden Grow

If you or you know someone who could use a little kick start on shoveling all the sh*t out of their life, you won't want to miss this seminar.

What other good things come out of your garden after you've worked hard shoveling and toiling? Flowers, shrubs and edibles of course. After we've all listened to and laughed with Cara we will enjoy a fresh from the garden spring dish prepared by our local food blogger, Liz the Chef.
Liz is one of our neighbors and when I read her postings and see her photos I want to run over and taste her goodies.

What we hope to share with you at this Urban Farmstyle Seminar is there are many good things to come out of gardening. Sure you might have sore muscles, but when you sit back and see how fresh your newly toiled soil looks and smell the earthy delights you know it was worth it. Then when your spring flowers begin blooming and you harvest your first crop of the year, all senses kick in and you feel alive.

Come join us in getting rid of life's unnecessary worries and enjoy a taste of spring. Sunday April 15th 11:30 - 1:30, seating is limited, tickets may be purchased at the nursery $5.00. Sign up via our facebook but payment is due prior to event to guarantee your seat.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Tiger's Tips for March

Much is beginning to happen in the nursery and your gardens as we leave winter behind later this month and welcome Spring.

March's flyer will breakdown the month so you don't get overwhelmed by necessary chores. I am recognizing Richard Lesser this month as your go-to seed guy, plus knowledgable nursery person and our 1st Urban Farmstyle Seminar's guest chef will be Chef Miguel from the Red Door Restaurant. New and old products are re-introduced to you.

If you are a computer person please if you haven't already click over to our facebook page, link is at the top and "like" us, you will get gardening tips, offers, and notice of upcoming events. Plus Fausto is beginning to post pictures of new plants that we get in and you will want to come in quickly as some we receive in limited supplies.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Plant a tree with the Lorax and IHOP

We all grew up reading Dr. Seuss, his books would take us on adventures. There is a movie coming out based upon one of his books. The Lorax which "chronicles the plight of the environment and the Lorax, who speaks for the trees against the greedy Once-ler." One other adventure I think we all enjoyed as a child was going out to breakfast. Now you can share with your children these two adventures in one.

IHOP, International House of Pancakes has teamed up with Universal pictures on the Lorax with sweepstakes and games along with giving away 3 million bookmarks which are seeded. Plant the bookmark and hopefully you will help in growing 3 million trees which we really could use as our Urban Forest are dwindling away. Offer valid while supplies last to children ages 3-12.

Now the question is can you actually grow a tree from the seed varieties they are using, Canadian White Pine and Blue Spruce? Here in San Diego it will take more than just putting that little bookmark in the ground or a container. So we are looking at a different tree seed which we will then exchange your bookmark for. We want your child to be successful in their plantings, not discouraged. If your child gets a Lorax bookmark please don't plant it right away, check with us and we will be sure to either give you good planting information or hopefully change it for another tree more suitable for our climate.

Have fun on your adventure with Dr. Seuss and in your garden.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love in the Nursery

February the month of Love has brought a new love into our lives at home with the addition of our newest granddaughter, Isabella Rose. Isabella is the daughter of our daughter Kristi and her husband Jeff and she joined the family last Tuesday the 7th. A special Valentine Day will be celebrated by her parents this year I'm sure.

When showing your special Valentine how much you Love him or her how about giving them a gift which will show that Love all year? Flowers and Chocolates are welcome gifts yet a gift that reflects your Love each & every day they look out the window and watch it grow is so rewarding.

Pick a tree which bears fruit, as they bite into it every time they will remember your Love. Or how about a rose in their favorite color? Did you take a special trip together or hope to one day? Plant something which will remind you of the area you went or wish to go to. France maybe? Plant a lavender. Italy? How about a wine grape? Or if you and your Love enjoy cooking together you can plant & grow a vegetable and herb garden. Sharing in growing and cooking what you eat is truly rewarding.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My insights and Tiger's Tips

What a crazy weather month we have had this January. Rain and cold then sunny and hot with today being a perfect spring day. It can be hard on your garden so remember to check your plants for any damage. If you did get some frost do not cut your plants yet, let them go even if they are ugly until the weather stays consistent.

As we began the new year with a clean up at the nursery, just like at home, once you remove the holiday tree and decorations it's time to spruce up the place. Our greenhouse is getting some new coats of paints, let me know what you think of the colors. The upper lot pottery section has been reorganized to make shopping easier and our new line of glazed pottery is getting great reviews.

Roses are in and canned up, we are still expecting our order from David Austin to arrive any day. I selected fragrant varieties, don't you wish rose tags had scratch & sniff spots? Stone fruit trees, Japanese Maples, Wisteria and the very popular Weeping Mulberries are also canned and resting for the winter. But don't wait until spring to get them in your garden they would appreciate a new home while they rest.

Oh yes I can't forget the chickens. Willow, Mr. Rooster is very protective of his ladies so keep an eye out when walking around. Maggie and Ash are plump and happy ladies who each lay an egg every day. Spend some time just watching them you surely will walk away laughing.