Went to bed last night without the rains having come, and woke up this morning to the sound of it hitting our bedroom window. Looking out at it now is a welcome sight as we know the rain makes all the plants in the nursery happier. Plus the weather report says it is going to stop raining in about 15 minutes. Since it was a few hours late in coming I'm not sure it will stop on time. But you can be assured when it does stop later this morning the nursery is be ready for you.
And by ready believe me when I say ready. Fausto did the buying this last week and he bought for spring weath

er. The vegetable table became tables, the front displays are bursting with geraniums in all colors, and varieties. Chamaelaucium uncinatum, botanical name for Waxflower, are budding and showing some color. Plant these in your garden for a hardy drought-tolerant flowering plant which when cut last for a long time in your arrangements.
Right about now you will begin seeing burst of soft pink flowers with a strong fragrance, this is the Pink Jasmine, Jasminum polyanthum. This is an evergreen vine whic

h originated in China. The abundance of flowers is stunning. Plant it where you want an impact of color and fragrance. If pink is your choice in the garden you will want to see the Pink Magnolias, they are budded and flowering. And if you want to know what this plant will look like when mature you can see one just 2 doors west of the nursery in the front yard of a home for sale. I hope the new owners don't take out this tree it helps us sell alot of trees. (no picture attached just drive by for the real thing)
Red Aloe came in yesterday and I learned that if you give it more water than not it will show more gre

en, very pretty specimens available this weekend.
There is so much more at the nursery we hope you'll stop in, and if it is still raining we have umbrellas you can borrow.
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