This is a good month to pay attention to your houseplants. It may have been awhile since you've repotted them so be sure to check and see if now is the time. Also feed them and consider adding a systemic for houseplants to keep those pesky little critters in check.
With temperatures warming watch for slugs & snails on your new plantings, Sluggo is an organic way to control them.

Pick up shamrocks for your St. Patrick parties or office gifts.
If you've been thinking of raised bed gardening come in and see our garden boxes which we have planted up. We offer these boxes unassembled or for a minimal fee we can assemble and deliver them to your home.

Gift yourself a gift on the first day of spring, March 20th plant a new flower. One that I am beginning to enjoy more each year is the Arctotis, African Daisy. A native to South Africa and North Angola these showy perennial plants are noted for their bright colored blooms. They enjoy a dry spot in the gawith full sun and cool nights. These flowers really show their beauty in the sunlight, then as they begin to seed they will curve their flowerhead down. Once the seeds are ready to be blown away by the wind they will stand up straight and release big fluffy seeds into the air. During this month and again in the summer fertilize with EB Stone Ultra Bloom, you will be richly rewarded with beautiful blooms and lush growth plus birds and other wildlife will enrich your landscape.
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