We have our 2012 Rose Selections posted, you may pre-book now for delivery beginning in January 2012. Roses are shipped bare root, or picked up at the nursery planted.
This is going to be a crazy couple of years as we have seen drastic changes within the rose growers industry. If you see a rose you like you may want to book it now. Shortages happen due to crop failures, the grower oversells, and weather doesn't allow harvesting.
We process our orders as they were received, so again order early. If we are unable to fill your order you will be contacted for any substitutions. If you live in a part of the country where you can't plant in January we will grow out your rose, cut it back and ship when you are ready. If we do this than we process your payment in January so we can pull the rose from stock.
After we posted out 2012 selections on our website we received notice that we may be able to receive in some David Austin English roses. Unable to get them on our website we will post them on our Facebook page as soon as they are confirmed. We can't bring them all in so it is always a hard decision when we sit down to choose.

David Austin English roses form shapely shrubs with bushy growth, renowned for their strong & diverse fragrances. These roses are repeat bloomers, providing longer bloom season. Bred for vigor and disease resistance. Also perform well in partial shady conditions along with being quite happy in containers. For more information on David Austin English roses please visit their website.
What do you look for most in a rose?
Fragrance or Color
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