What was started by Kate Sessions, Mother of Balboa Park is being continued by the Palafox Family. "Life's a Garden, Dig It!"
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Getting There
We are about 70% restocked at the nursery, our upper lot is blooming with winter color, citrus trees some flowering some fruiting. Our pottery department has been moved to make your shopping easier, or maybe harder since you will be able to see more choices in one spot, oh and you thought just running to the nursery to pick up a pot was a simple chore.
We've left open an area to be used as our planting area when bareroot roses and dormant trees arrive. Here is a photo of them in their fields being harvested.
Our first order is due to arrive early January. You can pick up a list of our 2010 rose selections at the nursery or on our website. If you want to know which stone fruit trees and other ornamental trees are coming in just drop me an email and I'll send it over.
Thank you for supporting us over the last 99 years
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 07, 2009
Rain and more Rain
Now that we've gotten our first rain you may be wishing you had purchased that Rain Tank while they were on sale last month. Many of you did buy and we should receive them in the nursery by the 14th. If you didn't buy last month but still want to get one installed before the winter rains stop you can still order yours, turn around time is about 2-3 weeks, you won't want to wait too long or you could miss out on Mother Nature helping you water your garden this spring.
This is the stream line version which fits flatter against your wall. Our most popular one is round and holds 205 gallons. Stop in and talk with Tiger if you have any questions.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Fresh Christmas Trees
Our first load of fresh cut Christmas trees is on the lot at Mission Hills Nursery. Juan, Enrique, and Fernando have been busy getting them ready to be sent out to homes and businesses this weekend. The fragrance of the season has begun to fill the neighborhood, while the warm cinnamon pine cones fill the inside of our nursery.
This picture gives you an idea of the beauty of our Poinsettias, you will want to come in and see them for yourself. They are stunning and vivid, so clean that more than one customer thought they were artificial. This weekend we have them in Red and White, but in another week you will have more color choices.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Strelitzia reginae Mandela's Gold
Fausto loves to research different plants to bring into the nursery. Some come in ready to sell while others we have to grow and wait. The wait is over on a beautiful plant which we grew from seed. A Yellow Bird of Paradise, the seeds were brought over from South Africa and the first crop is just beginning to bloom. While Fausto was out taking a photo of the bloom one of our nursery bees, and you know we have many, landed on the plant.
Strelitzia 'Mandela's Gold' marks the first time a yellow Bird of Paradise will grow true from seed. Usually they will cross pollinated by the more common orange Bird of Paradise. At the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, in South Africa, the curator had access to 7 yellow Bird of Paradise plants and spent the next 20+ years hand-pollinating them with each other to increase the stock. Their first yellow strelitzia introduced to the trade was released under the name 'Kirstenbosch Gold'. In 1996, they were given permission to re-name it in honor of Nelson Mandela.
'Mandela's Gold' has 3 yellow sepals and 3 deep purple petals that sit on top as the crest of the bird's head. 'Mandela's Gold' grows to about 4-6' and needs warm, tropical like conditions, even indoors.
Truly a plant for the serious collector of the "unusual". Stock is limited bring in this page to receive yours for 15% off regular price. One discount per family please. Valid 11/11/09 thru 11/13/09 yes 3 days only special pricing.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Trick or Treat
Witches, goblins, princesses, and more will be walking the streets this Saturday, drive slowly. What a fun time Halloween is, a day when you can dress up and pretend to be someone or something else. Come in dressed in your costume and see Claudia for a FREE gardening treat.
Our fall clearance sale ends once Halloween is over, you still have 4 more days of great savings and as we hoped the fountain inventory is shrinking daily. With all fountains in stock at 50% off they are moving quickly.
Fall temperatures bring new plants to the nursery for your garden. China has a nice selection of mums, pansies, violas, and kales. Enrique has been feeding and pruning the roses, many are setting new buds and blooming he has included them in the clearance sale. Juan has the trees cleaned and fed, just waiting to help load them in your car or for the taller ones see Fernando to schedule Richard to deliver them to you. Our other Richard is ever so happy to walk the nursery with you and select just the right plant for your problem area, he works Sundays and Mondays. And if you want to capture some of the rain we'll get this winter you certainly want to talk with Tiger.
Now if you are still confused about how to get the maximum out of your garden with the water restrictions, or you are ready to redo all or part of your garden please come in and see Fausto. Fausto has been designing gardens for the last 20+ years, I'm always amazed at what he can come up with just by looking at a plot of dirt.
Everyone at Mission Hills Nursery works here because we enjoy what we do and we want to help you. If you ever have a gardening need we hope you turn to us first, we'll be 100 years old next year and we're still "growing".
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Container Seminar
Are you envious of the containers you see planted at your friend's home? Do you have limited gardening space? Or has it become harder to get down on your hands and knees to dig in the soil? You will then want to come to Mission Hills Nursery on Saturday November 7, 2009 for a seminar and step by step how to plant container gardens.
Kristi and China will demonstrate how to pull together a few different containers for Fall. You will then be able to ask them to shop with you for a look that will make your friends jealous.
Seminar is FREE and begins at 11:30 am. If you have a container at home you really like bring it to the seminar and plant it at the nursery after you've gotten some tips. This way you can play with the look before you actually plant it. Your plant, soil, and container purchases will be discounted 20%.
Sign up at the nursery by 11/05/09 and you will be entered into a drawing to take home one of the containers Kristi and China put together.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Kate's Sale
I was reading the San Diego Floral Associations 100th year book and there were a few ads which our founder, Kate Session had run back in the early 1900's. One which caught my attention was her Fall Clearance Sale and I decided to follow her.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Our first load of Pumpkins was delivered on Thursday, from small to x-large. Pick your favorites for carving and extra ones to decorate with.
I think the Fairytale variety make beautiful fall displays for your porch or entry way.
Just keep your pumpkins dry and they should last you through Thanksgiving.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Fall Vegetables
Friday, September 04, 2009
Birds enjoy eating their meals (insects), in your garden along with napping in your trees. Yet not many of us provide them with a place to bath. Yet it can be something quite simple as a terra cotta saucer
to elaborate stone or glazed birdbaths. Just remember not too deep, and they need a ledge to perch on. Keep it clean and your garden birds will sing in their showers.
Visit us at Mission Hills Nursery and we can fill your bird's bathing requests.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Pourpier or Portulaca oleracea
I had a special request for Purslane also known as Pourpier in French and Verdolaga in Spanish this last week and I was able to bring some in from our herb grower Pearson's Gardens. I learned this annual can be enjoyed in stir-fry, salads, and other culinary dishes along with just being enjoyed as a summer flower in the garden.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Pomegranate Wine Tasting
Mark your calendar for Saturday September 26th. We are planning a very fun evening of tasting, learning, shopping, and saving. Tasting begins at 4:00pm and the nursery will stay open until 6:00pm.
Monday, August 10, 2009
August 11th Tuesday's Tasting
This Tuesday's Tasting is going to be crisp whites. To compliment these whites your purchase of white flowers from the 5" perennial tables will be discounted 20%. One of our newest white flowers on the tables is the Clitoria double 'white lady'. Double pea like blossoms cover a delicate vine that grows 36", it excels in heat and humidity and will grow in full sun to part shade. Plant it in a container with a trellis or let it trail over a window box or out of a hanging basket. Keep the soil moist. Other white flowers which are blooming now are
Euphoribia Diamond Frost, a continuously blooming flower which enjoys both full sun and shade. Makes a statement when planted by itself but really shines when used in a mixed container.
Bacopa which is considered a perennial here in San Diego gracefully drapes down the sides of containers or spreads across the soil surface in garden beds. Grows well in sun along the coast and would prefer shade inland, requires regular watering.
Tastings are from 3:00 - 5:00, it's not about the taste it's about getting ideas from the displays and spending time with your friends. See you in the nursery.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
New Exciting Arrivals
Another specimen which you will see when you first enter is the Allamanda cathartica, Golden Trumpet vine. This evergreen vine can grow thru trees and reach 50'. Or if you pinch it back you may maintain it as a freestanding shrub. The yellow trumpet flowers are 5" wide and 3" long and appear nearly year round. Loves heat and needs it for proper growth and bloom, does not tolerate cold.
Summer time pots in different shapes, sizes, and bright colors.
Orchid pots with the holes in the sides, and self watering pots for African Violets. Plus some really fun small glazed bowls to plant up for your patio tables. Oh yes and speaking of patio tables, we do have umbrella pots in stock.
With the cut backs in water your garden birds are looking for new places to bath so why not give them a new birdbath this summer? We just unloaded blue and green ones which are just the right size for our feathered friends, and if you are worried about wasting water, use the water that would run down the drain while you are waiting for it to warm up.
If you haven't looked at the card rack you will want to stop and see the beautiful photo cards which are done by our local photographer Meredith French. Some gorgeous photos of flowers and insects. Give the card that is worth framing, or pick up a few for yourself and enjoy nature in it's finest show.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Most Unusual Flower
What is that flower growing on the back of your building? I don't know how many times we've been asked this question and every time the person asking either loves the vine or is disgusted by it. Aristolochia gigantea or Dutchman's Pipe. Fast growing vine that can grow 15-20' tall has been spreading across our back building for years, even with repeated cuttings this vine is a conversation piece. Oddly shaped flowers are really petal-less calyces that open about 6" wide and hang nearly 12" long. Hardy vine to about 30 degrees, plant in a sunny spot with summer shade for a more stunning show.
This plant is in stock and sells out quickly, we have the Gigantea and regular to choose from.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
4th of July Celebration
What an amazing community we work in, and the spirit really shined thru this last 4th of July. A parade of the neighborhood showed as many people got together to walk, ride, skate, and push their way along the streets, starting at Pioneer Park.
Well we all didn't walk the route we did send a representative from the Nursery. Claudia pushed our "float" and we are proud to say it was the first float entry, watch for more next year.
After the parade there were many fun activities back at the park, from hula hoop contests, to balloon toss, and cake for everyone.
At the nursery Enrique fired up the BBQ and Fernando was our Hot Dog chef. He cooked up hot dogs from Sausage King and everyone really enjoyed them, if you haven't tried them before you need to. They have just the right about of spices, and crispy outside so they crunch when you bite.
Thank you to everyone who helped put this event on, we look forward to the next couple of weeks of concerts in the park, Friday nights. Bring your blankets, chairs, food and friends.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Zinfandel Tasting
This Tuesday July 7th we will be tasting Zinfandels, red and white. Did you know the same grape is used to make both? The difference being the skin is removed from the grape when making the white variety, thus you get a lighter and sweeter wine.
What connection is this week's tasting to the nursery? Grapes of course are on sale, you may not make your own wine but you can turn a portion of your garden into a mini vineyard or Tuscan village.
See you in the garden 3:00 - 5:00 for Tuesday's Tasting
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Fruit Sale and Sangria
Tuesday June 30th we'll be celebrating summer and our fruit tree sale at our Tuesday Tasting. Come in and try White Sangria. Remember tasting time is from 3:00 - 5:00 so come early and enjoy your beverage while shopping. Yesterday's tasting we ran out of the crisp La Crema Chardonnay right at 5pm and everyone seemed to enjoy it along with the basil pesto. Crispy and spicy went hand in hand.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Improving your Irrigation System
Looking for ways to improve your current irrigation system? Or do you need to install one? Come to the Mission Hills Garden Club's meeting this Wednesday June 24th and Tiger will have some ideas and answers for you. Come learn about the Irritrol Smart Dial which can help your garden to be more water efficient.
6:30 pm at the Mission Hills United Church of Christ
4070 Jackdaw @ Ft. Stockton (just east of the nursery)